Q&A With 006 – Gayle

This week, we welcome Gayle to our Q&A hotseat, as the breakout star shares some of her most memorable ‘firsts and lasts’. From Tik tok sensation to global chart topper, Gayle shares her take on creativity, inspiration, relationship, Asia and much more.

今個星期,我哋請嚟來自美國嘅超人氣歌手 Gayle 回答一系列關於自己第一次同最後一次嘅問題。年紀輕輕嘅 Gayle,短時間內由社交媒體爆紅到簽約唱片公司再橫掃各國榜單。依家貴為炙手可熱嘅爆紅歌星,Gayle 今次嘅訪問依然非常誠實直接,大談創作、情愛關係同未來巡迴亞洲嘅可能等等。

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Created by the team behind Hong Kong’s premier music and arts festival, Clockenflap Music is a Hong Kong-based music platform that celebrates musical discovery in all its forms. Featuring a handpicked roster of DJs, artists and music industry insiders from Hong Kong, Asia and around the world, Clockenflap Music champions the best new and underground sounds from across the musical spectrum, from exclusive artist-led playlists and live performances to insider news and revealing interviews.

Clockenflap Music是由香港首屈一指的音樂和藝術節Clockenflap 背後的團隊,所創立的音樂平台。Clockenflap Music將會透過各種形式及渠道,讓樂迷全方位深度發掘世界各地不同的音樂。同時,亦會精選來自香港、亞洲以及世界各地的DJ、歌手和音樂業界專業人士合作炮製獨家精彩節目及內容—包括由一眾音樂人主理的獨家精選歌單、現場表演、業界幕後趣聞及訪問等等。

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